“We’ll hear about the specific difficulties that remote learning is causing for special education, and what parents are saying about Pennsylvania’s plan for the new school year. Joining us is special education attorney DAN COOPER.”

Avi Wolfman-Arent Maegen Wagner wants her daughter to learn in the same classroom as everyone else. It’s a simple goal that requires a lot of effort — even when there isn’t a global pandemic. Her first-grade daughter, Elizabeth, has down syndrome, ADHD, and a condition called Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Her special education plan provides her […]

What would you do for your kid? For most parents, the immediate answer is as simple as it is cliched: anything. Often doing “anything” for one’s child has consequences for other children. Moving to a wealthier school district leaves another district one family poorer. Testing into a magnet school deprives the neighborhood school of a talented youngster. Shelling out for those piano lessons gives your kid a leg up in the college admissions process, but also puts the child who didn’t get lessons at a disadvantage.

With a skeletal support staff serving the city’s traditional public schools, many worry that the district has opened itself up to an onslaught of legal claims from families struggling to ensure that their children get the education that they deserve. This is the story of one such family.